all postcodes in E16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E16 1AB 1 1 51.507712 0.022878
E16 1AD 2 2 51.508564 0.014729
E16 1AE 42 0 51.50791 0.021835
E16 1AF 4 4 51.506536 0.011829
E16 1AG 62 21 51.505982 0.015769
E16 1AH 77 43 51.505982 0.015769
E16 1AJ 38 0 51.507885 0.021156
E16 1AN 29 0 51.512818 0.013563
E16 1AP 37 0 51.507892 0.020767
E16 1AQ 66 0 51.507577 0.020782
E16 1AR 73 0 51.507565 0.021502
E16 1AS 75 1 51.507558 0.021862
E16 1AX 73 0 51.505256 0.027625
E16 1DR 27 9 51.508934 0.024978
E16 1DS 5 5 51.510326 0.013107
E16 1DU 11 0 51.505525 0.017723
E16 1DW 14 0 51.505525 0.017723
E16 1DX 21 0 51.505525 0.017723
E16 1DY 14 0 51.505525 0.017723
E16 1DZ 60 0 51.505525 0.017723